Hello every one!
This week has been another great week full of crazy goodness and missionary work like the other week.
This week we did a lot of service both for members and the city of Ventura
On Wednesday we were trained on how to fit people with
helmets so that on Saturday we could help give helmets away for a bike
fest thing, it was pretty fun and we got to teach a couple people doing
it as well. We did that for most of Saturday. Then we went to help
the Cisneros family move and repaint there house. We also did some
yard work for a member in Oxnard (I was there for Friday).
Monday. Was a normal Monday email, shopping, resting, and writing.
Tuesday. We had district meeting in the morning and after we went to go see a
man named David Hernandez. He has busy so we got a return appointment
and left. We also went to see a less active Maria Vera De La Luz (Maria
Vera of the light) Spanish names are cool like that, so we went over there and
she had a rough day so we talked with her and had a pretty powerful lesson
and we then helped her get back on track and on her feet. Tuesday
evening we visited Hna. Diaz and she had a great day and told us how her
life is turning around and she is getting a job and its all because she
started studying the scriptures and praying and said she would come to
Wednesday. We meet with David Hernandez and taught him
the Restoration and he looked like he enjoyed it a lot and we could all
feel the spirit. We also meet with some former investigators seeing how
they are doing, we went to Caridad (Charity) house and turns out she
lives with one of the most active members but she wasn't home so we checked to see
if there was anything he needed and it turns out he had a leaky washer
and Elder Hernandez used to fix them them so we did that and so I
learned how to fix washers this week! Wednesday night we had the
training for Saturday and a meeting for an exchange on Thursday.
Thursday. We had an exchange so I had Elder Smith from
Idaho for the day. Who doesn't know a lick of Spanish. so he was pretty
quiet all day. So we tried to visit people who spoke a little English but
there isn't a lot of them but we saw Ricardo Palomio a former investigator and he has
so happy to see of he wanted us to teach him so I retaught the
Restoration and Elder Smith bore testimony and we set him with a baptism
date for the 19th of October. We then went looking for a former investigator named
Edgor and turns out he moved because that is were our dinner appointment lived. So we had
dinner a little early :) We then visited Hna. Diaz and her mother trying
to find Ricardo (different Ricardo but I can't remember his last name.
sorry) but he wasn't there so we talked with Hna. Diaz about teaching
her kids so they can be baptized, she said sure! We then had to
trade companions back.
Friday. My companion knows how to fix cars and make them
mission approved so we had to go to Oxnard for that and so he worked on
cars with Elder Sheilds and I worked with Elder Jamison. We visited
an older lady Sister Anderson and that is were we did some yard work. We
then got preached at by a JW (Jehovah Witness) and we preached back and
left him with a card cause he gave us some of the flyers they give out.
Saturday. We did that bike thing from 9 to 3ish so we
then headed to help the Cisneros move and painted there house and after
that we had to go to a baptism for Marcos (Elder Hernandez did the
interview so he was to go) very powerful man and there was a strong
spirit there as well. we went to Hna. Diaz so we talked to her about her
studies and how her life has improved because of it it was pretty
Sunday. We had fast and testimony meeting and it was
fantastic I talked to Presidente Castro about Alex Castro my MTC teacher
:) we finished our studies after church went to dinner watched the
testaments movie with the Cisneros family. Its so good you should watch
it after you read this and reply if you feel like you should.Elder MacKay
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