Well this is going to be a great week,but this was last week!
A. Paso robles is doing great, we have a lot of less actives coming back into active its being great. We have hna Cabellero who we thought was reading anti stuff and other things has been to church the past 3 weeks and has changed her view on the church and its member completely I dont know what God did but it worked!
Speaking of her we went to her house this week and we had a great dinner and shared a message with her non member husband and nephew it was awesome, but being crunched on time we shared a quick message and the nephew said "I love the short one!" it was pretty great we said he would love to hear more messages like that.
Moving on this week Cynthia got another job at a bank this time, so we haven't been able to catch her, but we met with her family a couple of times. It was great but her grandma isn't doing to hot, but she is getting better little by little.
C. Elder Weiss is the best, he has been a real good companion he is there to get stuff done so we get it done and go bed and repeat!
T. This week during studies I filled in my papers and I put a lot of thought and prayer into it so hopefully it is what the Lord wanted me to write down.
S. This week we moved a chicken coop a long ways... by putting it on a wagon, Elder weiss dropped it on himself too but he is fine!
yep it was pretty fun I thought elder weiss was going to die so I ran to lift the chicken coop were he was lying, he left with a tiny scratch... it pretty funny.
that is our ward mission leader pedro out side the san miguel mission (catholic church)
and we went back to chapel hill in shandon.
well have a great week cause i am going to!
Elder Joshua Mackay
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