Oct 13, 2014
Well hello there is been 7 of the most fun days of my life.
So it time for some acts!
A. I might have said this before but business is booming here in Fillmore. The biggest thing is that it is because the Lord is at the helm, but the biggest thing we saw this week is in the Paralta family the father left town to go work somewhere in a 2 hour radius from here, so we had to cancel his baptism date for this week but we talked to his 2 boys Edward and Reuben and Reuben is a little nervous to pick a date but Edward said that he will get baptized on November 1st. They are awesome kids and they remind me of my brother and me by the way we acted and the way they are acting.
We also found Lucia she is VERY full of potential and its going to be awesome to see her this week and get to know her and how we can help her. I met her once and Elder Moreno found her on a blitz with Elder Lopez.
But that is our area in a nutshell!
C. Elder Moreno is the best. that's it no more needed to be added. He is the best.
T. This week I have learned a very important thing. In the white handbook it says that God should be our first source of knowledge if we have questions and I have always taken that for granted and just asked my companions, and or mission leaders. But this week I had a real question that I needed a real answer too, so I studied the white handbook looking for ruling on my question but I didn't find it there, so I turned to preach my gospel again wasn't there either, and so I went back to the white handbook and read that paragraph about how God needs to be our first source for answers. so iI stood up snuck back into the bedroom and prayed, and prayed and that is where I found my answer and my new testimony. On my knees talking to God.
S. This week is the service side of things we had a awesome time helping a food share move there pantry it was very interesting. And food share run by the LDS church, held in a Methodist church, with a ton of Jewish food. That was pretty cool and now we have food we can eat over the Passover! (they gave us some food to take home after we finished)
and that is the week in a nutshell!
Meet the stripling warriors! aka yours truly and his companion Elder Moreno Elder Lopez and his companion Elder Simpson
have a great week i love you all <3
-Elder Joshua Mackay
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