ok well hello everybody so highlight of the week is Sunday i confirmed someone into the church in Spanish it was mas o menos.
but Monday, Monday
we only had one lesson with Norma Perez and we just talked about Alma
37:37 and how we must report to the lord what we did that day and then
give him thanks in the morning. it was a pretty good lesson she was very
open and said we could teach her more later.Thursday we had an exchange with Elder Rasband and Elder Mckinley so i was with Elder Rasband in Ventura and we taught a lot of lessons well only 4 but a lot of Spanish for me and little English for him but we talked to the Vera family (they went to the baptism) about the baptism and what they taught and Kimberly the youngest asked why we baptize in the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost. she is Lutheran and believe they are all one person so we talked about the godhead and invited them to be baptized and they said they would talk to there mom about it (she was working). we also taught the Diaz family about the Gospel of Jesus Christ using the pepper and soap experiment and they loved it! it was great they are going to teach us the Gospel of Jesus Christ on Tuesday (tomorrow). we taught an Esperanza BuenaVentura about the Book of Mormon and she said she would read it after we gave her one we are going to follow up on Thursday, it was a funny lesson cause twice during the lesson some kids asked us for cards in Spanish so i would tell Elder Rasband to give them cards. we also taught David Hernandez finally after 2 transfers of searching for him we found him and we talked about the Restoration but he wanted to talk about parenting so we talked about Lehi dream of the tree and what his kids did or didn't do, it was a powerful lesson he told us to come back again this week.
we taught Eusebio again about the book of Mormon and got him to say he
would read and pray about it, but his girlfriend is moving in tomorrow
so its going to take some pushing to get him baptized but we just
chippin away, chippin away. yep we also had correlation and it was good
we found out were an less active lives so we are going over there today,
the work is picking up a lot of speed its great.
we had an exchanges with the Zone Leaders Elder Kleinman and I worked
in the Spanish Area and Elder Lee and Elder Crandel worked in the
English Area but we had a great day we taught Magaly the Plan of
Salvation and she really understands it we went in and made sure she
understood everything before we continued. it was great she still
doesn't want to get baptized tell she receives her answer though. we
also talked the the Vera Family again and this time the mom was there
but she didn't want to sit in on the lesson so she sent her kids outside
but we talked about Mosiah 18:8-10 and invited them to think more about
Baptism and what it would mean to them.
well i confirmed Jamie and it was terrifying i was so nervous but once
it was done i felt like it was the easiest thing in the world. but we
taught the Diaz family again... about Ether 12:27
and making weak things become strong if we go though the lord and ask
for help it was great! we also stopped by the Vera family agian... and
taught about prayer and how Enos hungered for prayer and Ribay (one of
the priest of the branch) invited them to Young Men's and Young Women's.
it was great!
well hope you had a great week tell next week
-Elder Joshua Mackay ![]() |
Elder Lee Driving |
![]() |
Elders Mackay, Moreno, Simpson, Lee |
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