Well this week was great but this next week is the end of the transfer so what do you think is going to happen?
We worked very hard this week and this is what happened:
Monday, it was a pretty good p day we went to the church in Santa Paula to play some sports with the Hermanas and they were taking out all the old pictures in the church and getting new ones (as well as hymn books and other things) but I found in the discard place a picture of my favorite temple, the Cardston Alberta temple! so I grabbed it, Elder Parrish grabbed a ton of pictures too but we gave them to investigators and some less actives and they all loved them!
Tuesday, Elder Parrish and I went to Ventura to get our Tiwi fixed (a little box in our car that keeps us safe) and so we met Elder Ruse and walked around Ventura for a bit and went for a test drive to see if it worked, and then we met Bernardo at the church and we watched the restoration video it was pretty good!
Wednesday. We went to see the Ramirez Family and Elizabeth talked about how we are always around when she needs us to be and we talked about how god listens too and answers our prayer in many different ways and sometimes elders are part of it. Then she talked about how she is going to get her kids back next week maybe. Then we help Sister Tanaka take out her trash she fell last week and has been in bed almost all day every day so we have been calling her and giving her a daily scripture. After dinner we had to go the church to practice for the music festival on Friday and the Practice went pretty good it went a lot longer then we were told it would be.
Thursday after District meeting we meet Bernardo for lunch and we talked about the law of chastity it was a pretty good lesson, we could tell that Bernardo felt a little uncomfortable that we were talking about the law of chastity but we had Angel meet us there as well and so that might have been why he was uncomfortable. Then we went to the Zavala family's house and talked about being in the world but not of the world and did a little thing using veggie oil and water it was pretty good Marco really enjoyed it (he likes sciencey thing) and then we headed to the Ramirez family for dinner and we walked in and Elizabeth got her kids back and she was so happy it was awesome she has almost done a complete 180 turn around and has started to become active and living all the commandments it is awesome to watch her change!
Friday, it seemed like everyone went out with there families because no one was home! But we ended up finding the Hieberger family at home. They are doing good, we shared 1 Nephi 3:7 and talked about how God will prepare a way for them to do the things that are pleasing to him. Then we had the music festival.. where we sang "i am glad they called me on a mission" and then the final number just fell apart it was pretty funny but we all had fun doing it so YAY.
Saturday. we had correlation with the bishop in the morning and then we went to Piru to find people to teach and we went to a less active/part member families house and they were doing some yard work and we had our service clothes in the back of the car from Friday because a service appointment fell through, so we got changed and helped them set up a fence around their pumpkin patch so the rabbits won't eat them. We then hurried home showered and got cleaned up from service and went to the church to give Bernardo a blessing and we met him there and his whole family came (mother, and 2 sisters. father lives in mexico) so we gave them a church tour and then gave Bernardo a blessing after we finished his whole family said they felt a weird burning feeling in there chest but it was a good one. Then we had to go to correlation with our ward mission leader.
Sunday! Oh my goodness we had the best thing ever! So Bernardo said he would come for 30 minutes of sacrament meeting cause he was very tired, but stayed the whole hour, he then said 15 minutes in the next class and we will leave, again stay the hour. and he wanted to go to the last hour!! he is the best so after church we had a member give him a ride home. We met with Ramon who is doing alright, but was lost interest in the church but asked us for some more reading material, then we ate some dinner and met with Bernardo because we wanted to give him his picture we got from the Santa Paula building (John baptizing Jesus) he loved it and we talked about what is going on this week for church (stake conference) and asked him what he thought about church and he said he wants to go every week!! he is the best i cant wait until the 30th when he is getting baptized!
well i got to run love you all have a great week!
-elder joshua mackay
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