Hello every one i love all your beautify smile on this Monday.
my week was great lets start the over review!Elder Joshua Mackay is serving a two year Spanish Speaking mission for his church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He is in the California Ventura mission.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Week 30! Round 2! Preach!
January 21, 2014
so Elder Cavazos (my older companion) was being transferred to Santa
Barbara so he wanted to say good bye to some investigators, the Gonzales
family, the Bribiesca family, and the Hernandez family. at all of those
places we shared a scripture, Elder Cavazos bore his testimony of the
gospel and how it has helped them out and then encouraged them to
continue taking the lessons. all three lessons were very powerful and
hit hard to all 3 families, we might have 3 baptisms this transfer!
of course we had transfer meeting were I meet Elder Lee (my new
companion) it was a great transfer meeting. we had a great day we went
to visit the Torres family and we had i little lesson there about how
god supports us in our righteous actions. hna. Torres has been in Mexico
for a while working on her teeth and the more work she is getting done
the more work she is needing. funny huh. we also had a lesson with the
Diaz family hna. Diaz is going though some medical problems are right
now so we went over to see if we could help so we gave her a 15 minute
break as we taught the kids a quick lesson. about 2 Ne 4:20. its a good one!
we had district meeting. after that finished up and we had lunch we
went to see some people cause that's what we do as missionaries, but we
went to the Pacheco house to pick up Marco to take him out with us to
see the Vera family and we had a lesson with them about how we can pray
for answers, it was pretty good we had Marco bear his testimony and man
members and missionaries working together is so much better then just
members or just missionaries.
Thursday. Thursday
was a lot of talking to other people on the street we found 2 new
investigators and had a lot of fun that day probable my favorite day of
the week. so we tried to teach Magaly a lesson but she was at work so we
talked to her mom and taught her instead. I love missionary work! but
we talked about Hel 5:12
another great one. and building our families on the rock of Jesus. we
then ran into Jose on the street and gave him a Book of Mormon of course
after talking about it and stuff, he took it we went to some other
houses in that apartment complex and when we were leaving we saw him
reading it and Elder Lee said "bien hecho Hermano" (good job brother) it
was great to see him doing something with what we taught him. and then
we started talking to a Juan Pablo and about mind way though our
conversion we asked him what he thought about our message that we shared
(we just taught him about Joseph Smith) and he told us that he could
see that we knew that this was true and he asked us to come back Saturday and teach him more about it. so we went back on Saturday.
But Friday is before Saturday. so Friday
after we finished weekly planning and all that funny stuff we headed
out to work. and this time Magaly was home! so we taught her the
restoration again cause she forgot what that is it was a very powerful
lesson and she almost said yes to a baptism date of the 15th of February but she said "I will think about it" which is ok but good, better, best or the 15th of February.
I think this week she will say yes to a date. we also taught the
Bribiesca family the Plan of Salvation it was very powerful we asked the
17 year old what he taught about it and he said it makes sense its
clear simply and perfect. Oh man i can't wait tell they get baptized its
going to be a great day! little by little we are seeing them today so
hopefully it goes well.
Saturday. was another great day. so early in the week we talked to a Sosa and he asked us to come back on Saturday
so we did and we taught him the Restoration and he enjoyed it he told
us that he is not looking to change religion and we told him we not
looking to change him only to invite to come closer to Christ. he
invited us back this week. we also had Marco come out with us again but
this time we went to see Eusibio, and we shared Mos 2:41
and invited him to church to receive more blessing. it was pretty good.
after we took marco back home we tried to visit xochil (pronounced so
chill) but on the way we started talking to Jose and he told us to come
back on Sunday
to teach his family. in the evening a different Marco came out with us
to visit Juan Pablo and we taught him about the Book of Mormon. and
invited him to church and Marco bore his testimony SUPER POWERFUL. and
then we had Saturday night session of conference.
we had 4 lesson with one of the Priest from the branch Ribay. we had
and saw Keran, Jose, Magaly, and the Diaz family but i will; have to
tell you later about them and picture next week!!
love you got to run!1
-Elder Joshua Mackay
Monday, January 13, 2014
Week 29 - 6 more weeks!
January 13, 2014
So nothing happened on Monday other then it was p day. oh and it was the day of the kings!
so Tuesday. Tuesday we had two lessons, one with Jose Gracia
and another with Felipe Gonzales. with Jose we just stopped by to see
how he was doing and we ended up talking for a little bit cause we
haven't seen him in a while and he told us he wants to meet with us but
he doesn't have time and so we told him who is really working hard to
keep him from us and so on and so forth. and Felipe we meet with them
every Tuesday but last couple of weeks couldn't due to the holidays so
we stopped by to see how they were doing but his wife was very sick so
he didn't let us come in, so we pretty much had the same conversion with
Felipe as we did with Jose it was pretty cool.
Wednesday. we meet with the Vera family and talked about
Hel 5 :12 and building ourselves on Christ. and then we smashed our
fingers under a can (don't try that at home) but because we built on
Christ he took the blow and we aren't hurt at all. and we also talked to
the Bribiesca family. and we re taught the Restoration and asked them
to be Baptized and they said when they find out if it is true then of
course they would get baptized! i was so happy that they understood it!
Thursday. we finally caught Horacio off work and at home so we
taught him and set some expectations with him and his family and he
asked us to come back on Friday at 5 and so ya he is great he has lived a
tough life, 2 months ago he was shot and the bullet went in one side
and out the other and he live to tell his tale. and many other stories
where he is saved from something he will probable get baptized this
Friday. so we went to see Horacio and he told us that he told
his friends about us and that he wasn't going to be home but changed his
mind and stayed at home so we talked to him about what he is willing to
do if we finds our message true and after we talked to his almost 8
year old son (feb 4th)and
asked when we could teach them as a family and they said Tomorrow! they
are great! we also taught Marlen she was found by Elder Fernandez but
lives in our area so we get to teach her she is prepared for the gospel
it was great she asked us were our church was before we could invite her
to come! and she is home all day every day.
Saturday. we taught Jaime Sanchez as we had lunch with some
resent converts (he has a baptism date for the 26th on jan) and we
talked about Mosiah 18 and wanting to get baptized it was a great
lesson! we then taught Magaly and we haven't seen her in a while so we
just read 3 Ne : 11 and talked about that for awhile and what she would
do if she lived in that time. and then we went to Horacio Hernandez
house to teach his family and when we got there we just left 5 minutes
ago to get some parts for his car so we taught his son and his wife the
Restoration and after we finish we invite them to be baptism and they
said yes they would but wont commit to a date until they believe the
Book of Mormon is true. but all is well is the vineyard.
so Sunday i woke up sick but i didn't want to be so i pretended that i wasn't tell after dinner i told elder Cavazos i need to lie down for 20 minutes and i ended up sleeping for 2 1/2 hours and then admitted i was sick and crawled back into bed to rest. (but i feel a lot better right now so)
anyways that was my week in a nut shell see you next week love you all take care
-Elder Joshua Mackay
So I am staying for 6 more weeks well maybe more but I don't know.
!nyways welcome back hope you had a great week.so Sunday i woke up sick but i didn't want to be so i pretended that i wasn't tell after dinner i told elder Cavazos i need to lie down for 20 minutes and i ended up sleeping for 2 1/2 hours and then admitted i was sick and crawled back into bed to rest. (but i feel a lot better right now so)
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Week 28 -It is last week again!
January 6, 2013
ok well not a lot happened other then President and Sister Castro gave a talk and the missionaries gave the 3rd hour lesson about missionary work it was a great Sunday to be frank with you. President and Sister Castro talked about Mosiah ch. 2, and we talked about "hasting the lords game plan" (pg 33 of this last conference ensign)
Week 5
so i start my second diet even (the first one was to gain weight for football) and ironically this one is to lose weight for missionary work!
so Monday i spend a lot of time throwing out food i was not going to eat and bought 4 things eggs, fruit, yogurt, and water. and some how i survived this week on only those 4 things. i have learned my lesson. but we had 2 lesson that day one we talked to Enrique and he was asking us how we were raised and so we talked about that for a little and we asked him how he raises his kids and he told us and then we discussed it and i happened to have a "for strength of youth for Parents" in my bag so we looked at that for a second and he liked what he saw, it was a interesting lesson. and second we talked to an English speaking man named Jesse and we talked about 3 Ne 11 and how it took 3 times before the people understood the voice from heaven. we then sent a referral to the English missionaries.
Tuesday. HAPPY NEW YEARS. so after District meeting we had a lesson with Julio were we finished talking about the Restoration. he liked it a lot and said he believes that but he doesn't know if god is even there. so we asked to pray about it and if we receives an answer would he get baptized on such and such date, he said i will not on that say yes to a date but if that happens yes i will get baptized.
Wednesday, Jan. 1 2014, weird. so we had one lessons with the Pinedo kids and they told us they have found another church.... turns out there mothers (less active member) boyfriend Corey was been taking them to an Lutheran church. so we talked about it and they liked that church better so we don't know what to do with them.
Thursday. so we had one lesson with and less active members dad, Carlos and he told us that he is scared for him. we didn't tell us why but we shared a scripture with him i forgot to write it down so i don't remember what one it was. but after we shared it he asked for our phone number to call us when his son is home to find him at home.
Friday. after all the fun in our apartment with weekly planning. we had 3 lessons 2 of which on the same street just 3 house down. Spanish work is great! so we talked to Vanessa and with her we talked about Luke 1: 37 and how she can do all things with god. short sweet and straight to the point. and as we were walking down the street we started to talk to a Maria and she had said something about how she has been waiting for her husband to stop smoking and drinking so we looked at each other (Elder Cavazos and I) and shared Romans ch 8 24-25 she then finished her story about how then one day her husband woke up and said he would never smoke or drink again and has lived to those words ever since. and finally we were passing by the Perez family and they were taking down there Christmas lights so we helped them out and then shared a lesson with them before we had out to correlation and then start our exchange with the zone leaders.
Saturday. we had exchanges with the zone leaders and we taught a potential investigator John, and we taught him the Restoration. we asked him what we believes about god and we explained the Trinity by saying GOD send HIS SON, Jesus and when he died that created the Holy Spirit and they are all the same. and we told him what we believe and he responded i take back my statement it doesn't make sense. WOW is all i could even think it was so good. we also talked to a less active Bro Head and we read 2 Ne 4, it was pretty good. and Elder Klienman need to do a baptism interview for someone in Santacoi east of Ventura. it was a great day!
Sunday. well we went to church in Ojai to bear our testimonies and introduce our selves it was pretty good. and then we went to Ventura where they changed to branch presidency. other then that it was a normal Sunday preaching the word
anyways have a great day
-Elder Joshua Mackay
so donde es Elder Mackay va a esta cambio?
and hello so i told you i would tell you about last Sunday so were starting there!Monday, January 6, 2014
December 30, 2013
yes i spelled feliz wrong on my Christmas card so Felix Navidad (they
should be in the mail or i don't have your address, which my mom is
working on)
so this week was short since we had to be in a 8 for Tuesday and Thursday, and p day was on Monday and weekly planning on Friday but all is well in the vine yard of the lord!!
so Monday
we had two lessons but i forgot to write them down so I forgot who they
were with... Wait i remember wooh!! so for dinner we ate at Hermana
Pacheco's house had some great Mexican (como siempre, y yo como
siempre:D) but since she doesnt have a husband or a son older then 17 we
called eusibio to eat with us and we gave he well a Christmas lesson...
it was in two days! then we went over to the Pinedo family's house and
shared another Christmas story it kinda what we do around Christmas
share the word!
Tuesday after having Distract meeting and taking care of some
doctor co payment. we headed to the mission home to drop off result of
some tests with a Christmas "Felix Navidad" card and Elder Cavazos gave
them some Chocolates and we are driving away after leaving he left it on
the door step and i put mine in the mail box about 5 minutes later we
get a text from Sister Castro that said "Thank you for the gift. My
favorite thing. You both are so kind and thoughtful. I love the picture.
"felix" Navidad. We sure love you!" Elder Cavazos and I laughed about
that one for ages, I don't know what was going on and we then went home
for lunch and language study and for lunch I had baked cookie to drop
off to people but we forgot them at the apartment :( (almost 3 dozen
chocolate chip kiss cookies and 6 candy cane cookies) but we still went
caroling with Elder Moreno and Elder Fernandez. (don't worry mom i got
feed good on Tuesday and Wednesday)
Wednesday. Well after the longest studies of my life we open
all the gifts we received, so thank you if that involved you. and after
we cleaned up and Elder Cavazos tried his first Terry's Chocolate orange
we went over to the Cisnero's family who invited us over for lunch,
after lunch we returned to call our families, which was the highlight of
the day. after call we went caroling again with Elder Moreno and Elder
Fernandez. we ha dinner with one of the many Hernandez families and well
after we learned we forgot to do cookie drop offs so we went and did
those after dinner before heading home.
Thursday. Finally i full day of working Wooh. and we got back
to work teaching the Diaz family, and we talked about D&C 4 and
missionary work it was a great lesson and after everyone taught of
someone they could teach the gospel to or that they said they would
introduce them to us to teach them so we are following up this week so
cross your figures. and we went to go talk to Magaly Perez but she was
working so we talked to her mother and she asked about where we wait to
be judges so we semi taught her the Plan of Salvation and by semi I mean
from when we die tell when we are judged and go to one of the 3
kingdoms. she liked it a lot and asked us to give her the full lesson on
Friday, back to semi full days!! so after we finished weekly
planing and all that fun jazz, we headed up to Ojai for dinner after we
finished eating we talked with Enrique and his family about creating
spiritual goals for the coming year, but they said being from 2
different faiths makes it hard to do that and Enrique said that religion
is like a math problem, the catholics have the simple way to get to god
and the mormon have the long complex way after he said that Elder
Cavazos replied that though the long way we get more blessings, like
temple marriage, eternally families, and many more, and like math test
the people who do it the long way learn more and are more prepared for
the test.
Saturday, so we had a funny lesson for dinner cause a resent
convert asked "if god made the universe who made God?" so since we
didn't want to go that deep into doctrine we gave them the scripture in 1
NE 13: 22. go read it.
but i have gone way over and we have to go so turn in next time for sunday and this coming week!!!
well first off merry Christmas o feliz Navidad (which ever you prefer)
second Happy New Years
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