Hello there well it is March and week 6 Elder Passey is leaving and I am staying with who I don't even know. But Elder Passey has been here for 6 months so he is gone for sure.
But this is what happened this week!
A. This week we had a lot of success not on the investigator side of things but on the member side of things. We had some dinners this week with families we have never had dinner with before and 2 families asked if we could come over this week, but a member signed up for us the whole week (Tues-Sat) so were going to have to work something out. One of the families mothers came to us at church and she had asked if we could visit their son who is less active and that after we left he said that we were his favorite missionaries he has met! it is weird to learn that a crash course on etiquette in a zone conference can really go a long ways, well of course it does but i never thought it would go this far.
One of the resent converts of Elder Passey, Omar got a calling this week to serve in the Sunday school presidency! Best part is that he doesn't speak English, but he is willing to work his hardest. and his brother moved in this week and turns out he is less active as well, baptized 11 years ago in the Oxnard 5th ward. He is awesome he came to church this week and found a job and is turning his life around.
C. Elder Passey is awesome. not much else to say.
T. this week I wrote a short poem about temperance and i would like to share it! and it isn't that good..
I am temperate in all things
of these things from my king
as his kingdom i will bring
to all nations in my passing
and of his name i will sing
as i am temperate of all things.
S. This week we helped someone move some stuff after a pipe burst in the home. And we are going to help them move back in when their done with repairs!
so this week I figured out how to solve a rubix cube! 2 hours of p day wasted... I meant to take other picture but never got around to it.
Have a great week! See you around.
-Elder Joshua Mackay
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