Someone needs to slow down time a little bit please or I am not going to have fun....
Well this week was great, a lot of service and fun!
A. Newbury Park is awesome we have been seeing a lot of success here doing something a little different than before. Reaching out to the other wards we cover!! We are serving in the Los Robles ward in there Spanish unit but the Spanish unit covers the whole stake and our area is the Newbury Park wards (Los Robles, Conejo Canyon, Dos Ventos) so this week we talked to some members in the Conejo Canyon ward and asked if they had any mexican friend and they said their neighbor and then they invited us over for dinner and there neighbor came and we got to teach him and he is awesome, his name is Angel. He is just down to earth and Smith family said we could even use their house whenever we were going to teach him!
We also meet with Jenny this week and we were "startled" at the fact she hadn't read the book of mormon recently and she then said she would read 2 chapters that night and she did it!
C. Elder Berg is awesome he really has a desire to serve the Lord and to work hard!
T. This week I studied following up and really, I learned that it doesn't have to be a big grand thing, it just needs to be something basic and effective.
S. This week I took Elder Berg to meet Cristina and Omar. Omar wasn't home but we helped Cristina make Sopes it is like a Tostada but thinner and not as crunchy but it was fun and I got to use one of those tortilla presses it was awesome! Last night I also helped an old lady get into her hacked facebook and her lost email and change the ring tone on her phone.... OLD PEOPLE please write down your stuff, because that was an hour that could have been avoided......
Also on Monday we did a 20 mile bike ride down to the beach and back....
The big hill sucked.... but I biked it all the way up
The first 2 picture are of the starting point and ending point (actually starting point is like 4 blocks away)
The ocean was 24 weeks away!! and then the finishers all but Elder Passey biked up the hill... we started to call him walkey
hope you have a great week!
-Elder Joshua Mackay